Healing DIETS coaching

As a qualified Healing Diets Coach, I can help you heal and reach your wellness goals through nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

Healing Diets coaching is a holistic approach to nutrition, suitable for anyone whether facing challenges with their health from the very minor to the very major, whether in need of balancing the inner ecology, cleansing and rejuvenation, longevity, life phases, beauty, emotional well being, mental clarity or support for evolution of consciousness.

As a Healing Diets Coach, I am creating healing diets programmes with creative inspiration, based on the principles of true nutrition, the unique needs of each individual and within the context of personal circumstances and goals.

I am really passionate about helping people improve their diet and lifestyle in easy, practical ways to support good health. I whole heartedly believe that we all have the innate capacity to heal, we just to have to support the body to do what it is made to do. The right food and attitude is the foundation of wellness.  

I obtained my qualification from the School of Natural Medicine.

“The cells of your body are’nt old.

they keep regenerating!

They are new!

Your body has the potential of being young and as vital as it has ever been.

you don’t have old cells.

you just have an old attitude about your new cells.”

— Abraham Hicks